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The new Quantum II - @cineolighting
has arrived in Norway.
The 1500w RGBWW LED panel had a powerful and intuitive user interface.
With extraordinary white spectrum, Quantum II has full RGB capabilities, and can record, playback and offload an infinite number of lighting effects.
Check out all the specs - Link in Bio
#cineo #quantum2 #cineolighting #cineoquantum #ledpanel #lightrental #lightrentalnorway #quartzlys #quartzlight

Great times by #jostedalsbreen shooting commercials with @anti_hamar and
DP@magnusvanem & Dir@jehauge

LightStream mirror system by @dedolight available now
#dedolight #lightstream #mirror #mirrorlighting
#filmrental #filmrentaloslo
#chrquartz #quartzlighting

Rig for #førstedate done by @jarljohnsen.
Delivered by us #chrquartz
Lit almost exclusively by @bbs_lighting #area48